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Old 2011-02-19, 03:51   Link #92
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
Originally Posted by KiNA View Post
I want ayleids ruins ;_;
Objection! Dwemer >>>>>>>>>>>> Ayleids.

Then again, lore/flavor-wise, Morrowind >>>>>>>>>> Oblivion, too. Machines and mushroom towers and living gods vs. know. There's just something not right about an empire that acts like the Big Bad Roman Empire outside (legions! frontier forts! colonies! port authorities! monopolistic mercantile companies! imperial agents!) yet feels like some shitty backward feudal kingdom in its home province.

So I very much celebrate their intention to make Skyrim more interesting than Cyrodiil was. I hope they turn that Viking factor up to 11 and fearlessly mash the Dwemer and Dunmer exoticness in.

Ironically enough, despite the fact that that game was inferior to the Elder Scrolls in most ways, I thought Gothic III's handling of its northern region was pretty good, geographically speaking. Snowstorms to blanket the skies, networks of valleys and plateaus that really made you feel like getting lost is actually dangerous (fall down a valley and you're like, holy crap where am I!?), fortified hilltop villages with narrow mountain path exits. Fun times, especially compared to the rather lackluster flatness of Solstheim. Wonder how Skyrim would look like in comparison.


That said, I shall proceed to wait five years after its release date for the patches to complete, the expansions to come out and get patched too, and the mods, especially the mods, to mature.

The Elder Scrolls games play best that way. Honestly I don't understand how you console players could possibly survive Oblivion without a full armory of anti-annoyances measures, a major levelling overhaul, an unofficial patch, and a bunch of content additions that mods provide.

P.S. Forgot to mention this but Dragons randomly burning cities and other "open world"/"interactive world" things sound like just the things that need to be patched seven times over, toned down and modded before they get it right. Anyone remember the hyped random AI from pre-Oblivion?

Last edited by Irenicus; 2011-02-19 at 04:05.
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