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Old 2011-12-18, 19:47   Link #832
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: SBC Gurokken
Got a Guardian up to 32 so far. Story is good. It's not going to win any literature prizes but it's typical Bioware fare and fits Star Wars well. The class story boss fights are actually a bit challenging if you solo them - you really have to use your skills and especially the interrupts to shut down the devastating chaincasts and keep your equipment up to date to stay alive. You fight against other force users from time to time and they have the whole bag of tricks - Force push, Force pull, Force choke, lightning storms, special lightsaber moves, etc. Some have special mechanics specific to the encounter that you need to watch out for, like giant death rays that can instakill you. There's a lot of drama about this stuff on the forums over at SWTOR, so much that I'm afraid they'll nerf those fights.

One of the things I like most are the destructible environment props, like cryogen tanks and fuel pipes, that you can shoot / use the Force on during various encounters in order to even the odds a bit in your favor. Some will poison (DOT), some do straight damage, some will stun strong enemies so you can pick them off one by one if you're fast. A few even kill the entire group they are connected with.
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