Thread: Licensed Mouretsu Pirates
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Old 2012-02-14, 05:20   Link #997
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
Given how most of the passangers acted, and that the cruiser liner's crew left before the pirates arrived...and that they have stage lighting ready for Marika's pirates on the liner...and that everything Marika did was scripted. Yes it was entirely arranged. The Insurence company covers all the items stole by the pirates so the passangers effectively lose nothing.

I went to the Grand Canyon as a child (well I think I was eleven or twelve). There was a steam train ride out from I think Williams, Arizona out to the Canyon. It uses an old steam engine, old style cars (even has old style glass Coke bottles in multiple languages). On this trip, the train was stopped about half way there and boarded by train robbers. They stole something from a safe, after making sure everyone knew they were there, and then had a running fight with some law enforcement type though the whole length of the train. The robbers were fought off and the train continued on its way to the Canyon. This was quite obviously everyone was in period costume form around 1885. No one was hurt and nothing was stolen that I was aware of. It was part of the entertainment.

Marika's pirates, are part of the entertainment. The high class people could easily afford what was stolen (they probably didn't even have real jewelry on because there was a show coming). They go farther than the staged train robbers of the Grand Canyon Railway, but only slightly.

It would be like if they had (and they might) a 1700s pirate ship sail up to a cruise liner near the Virgin Islands and they boarded and stole some of the goods form the first class passangers only (not the middle class people that go on cruises as those would fight back if they didn't know it was a show...or might not be able to part with stuff of "just a show") and left after having a staged saber duel in the main dinning hall. And they would just sail off....the cruiser liner could likely outrun them in this instance if the pirate ship was actually only sail powered (likely has a navigation motor under codes)

In Mexico I did see some tall masted sailing ships that reminded me of those style of ships. One I think was even a "pirate ship" though I think it was actually the drinking ship for the college students and the sports crowd.

Something like this:


The fog and the sunset help the effect I think.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!

Last edited by Ithekro; 2012-02-14 at 05:33.
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