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Old 2008-07-07, 22:44   Link #27
One of many ShizNat fans
Join Date: Oct 2007
Originally Posted by KitsuneNineTails View Post
I do wonder how Alyssa was returned to life, though, because if you think, she was the only HiME that actually died from a real mortal injury. It might have been a bit more bittersweet if Mashiro couldn't bring her back because she really died from a real injury...
I believe she counted as a real HiME, since when her MIP died a pillar rose beneath the school like with all the other HiME. So her "life force" and that of her most important person was able to be revived. Like when Sister Yukariko died with Ishigami - she still got resurrected. I agree though, it would have been more bittersweet. However, then she wouldn't have been able to grow up and her descendants couldn't star in the sequels (yeah I went there )

As it was, I guess Joseph Glear was the only real casualty of the series, heh...
You're forgetting all those First District people and the little old ladies that Shizuru killed. I don't remember any mention that they came back to life.
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