Thread: Future Warfare
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Old 2013-04-19, 17:38   Link #6
Flying Dagger
Join Date: Dec 2003
I do not think the nuclear option (regardless of yield) will be the future: war these days are not about killing an army of 20k people marching heads on with each other (essentially the past world wars). Although nuclear triggered EMPs will probably be more widely utilized at some point. At that time I expect the government to avoid the word "nuclear" heavily and just call those "high powered EMP warheads".

Instead of powerful warhead that can annihilate several city blocks, I think the future will lie in very high speed long range weapons that can accurately strike at a target. Imagine a small device that can be sent across the globe and rely purely on kinetic force to clear out a room (maybe the kinetic force is used solely to penetrate defenses and the device itself cause a small scale explosion). High speed+small size will make the device very difficult to take down mid-flight.

Also I expect more remote control fighters to be deployed as the primary strike force. Small scaled combat drones might also be employed at some time: that remote control helicopter you got for your 10 year old cousin might be more potent than you think!

Then there is always space warfare. You wouldn't feel very safe if there is a space-to-ground missile satellite system orbiting right over your country, would you?
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