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Old 2006-08-11, 02:02   Link #416
Absolute Haruhist!
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 37
Skane's explanation of the toothpick incident is pretty much correct, just that in my point of view, she didn't include him pairing up with Yuki, maybe even Mikuru.

Her doubt is indeed enough to cause the effect of Kyon ending up with different partners. But whether she actually thought that Kyon would end up specifically with Mikuru the first time and Yuki the second time, I do not know.

And about the seating arrangement, there's no doubt, Haruhi has been working really hard to get Kyon to sit infront of him.

If you've read novel 2, you should know that Haruhi has been sitting behind him for 7 times, through 7 seating arrangement changes. The class seating arrangement changes every month, the school started in April and novel 2 is in November. Disregarding April since everyone just got into a random seat and it wasn't a seating arrangement change, they changed seats and sat in the same way, Haruhi behind Kyon for 7 times.

Haruhi made a 7 times in a row near impossible outcome:
2 people seating together in a class of 30 for 7 times =
(2/30)*(2/30)*(2/30)*(2/30)*(2/30)*(2/30)*(2/30) = 0.00000000585% chance of happening.

Not sure if I got it correct, but just to show that its near impossible lol

The best way to observe and look at someone with out him noticing is behind his back. A good way to know that someone wants to talk to you and have your attention is when he puts in an effort to turn around. Haruhi really wants something from Kyon lol
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