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Old 2012-08-14, 10:24   Link #2599
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
I loved IPL Faceoff. Legion in particular showed extremely aggressive playstyle that exceeds even the Koreans, catching even World Elite by surprise. Legion ahead of all their early games against WE, but failed in 2nd one because the champs they had weren't snowbally enough.

Curse has shown to have improved, in particular Westrice who seemed to be one of the laggers back in Epik, and now has shown he can do extremely well with champions outside of Akali. That said, them choosing Amumu jungle AFTER the Nunu/Blitz first pick by TSM was by FAR AND AWAY the stupidest thing I've seen all tournament. You're just asking to be invaded at lvl 1 and counterjungled all game long soon after, especially against the jungler who popularized Nunu in the competitive scene way back in S1.

Quite sad though TSM didn't get to face World Elite. Honestly, they need all the practice they can get against Asian teams, as their info on them isn't nearly as comprehensive as the info they have on NA/EU teams.

Biggest disappointment though was I thought they'd do well after reuniting Aphro/Muffin, but it seems Aphro's current team is heavier than his last one. IMO it was still a bad choice on Aphro's part to join, considering that TSM.Evo is pretty much guaranteed a place in regionals, while his current team's status hinges on their performance in MLG Raleigh next weekend.

Originally Posted by Duo Maxwell View Post
And who the heck depends on Kat's harassing with her blade anyway?
At the very least I know Scarra and TiensiNoAkuma does, if you care for their opinion. o_O

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