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Old 2012-01-06, 10:26   Link #94
The Colour of Magic
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: England
Age: 32
I was turned off by this purely from the OP song. It's absolutely dire (and the ED isn't much better).

However, I decided to watch the first episode anyway - though I certainly should have twigged that it wouldn't be particularly great from the OP song to begin with. The jokes were poor and had no buildup (facepalm worthy, to be honest), the characters aren't up to much (the 'ninja''s VA is so irritating - sounds like she's high and quite possibly drunk. The assassin and the 'normal girl' have a poor chemistry to me) and it felt like it was never going to get anywhere (sure, the intrigue was ramped up a tad when an alien ship turned up - but it seemed like it was completely forgotten about, as if mentioning it again would cause the Earth to instantly implode. Resorting to a very tired and clichéd gag with the shoe polish on the telescope afterwards was dire).

Extremely poor. I really should have gone with my instincts and not touched this with a ten foot barge pole. I can't say I've dropped this series - because I feel I never picked it up in the first place.
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