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Old 2008-10-26, 20:55   Link #546
Join Date: Dec 2005
Calling esper powers "science" is a stretch, though--in our universe if not in theirs. But this is getting off track.

Originally Posted by orion View Post
The autonomic nervous system does not function differently in Index's universe
My protest against your "humans only use 10% of their brains" stands. Did you bother clicking my link? TVTropes though it may be, that article has a good explanation. You can't expect to hold any amount of scientific credibility the moment you say that humans can live just fine with 85% of their brain (effectively) removed from their heads.

I'm not trying to apply this to this series (I know what happens next, but I don't want to post manga/novel spoilers here); I'm only bringing it up because you were applying it to real life.
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