Thread: Da Capo
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Old 2004-01-02, 18:52   Link #309
Join Date: Dec 2003
Originally Posted by EternalBlue
Hehe this is getting pretty interesting.
Here's my 2 cents worth.
Screw the law, it's the feelings that count. That pretty much sums it up for me
Lots of good points in this thread but I think the detail's killing some of the readers' eyes lol.

On another note, I hope ep 25 comes out soon
hehe i agree with you on that but only to a certain extent. i would not agree to someone feeling the love to kill others for fun or torturing animals for the heck of it. other then that if two people really love each other they should be able to be together no matter what. It's true that society has imprinted the idea of right and wrong into our minds but it's our responsiblity as adult and teenagers to grow up and make our own decisions.

Yes incest is wrong according to society b/c of genetic causing birth defects but what if they don't have any kids. what will happen then? also it's only an increase chance that birth defects will happen so it also means that two normal human beings that aren't related in any way can also have a child with birth defects. in the old days mostly in asian countries but other countries as will to have cousin marriage b/c they want to keep their genes within a certain group and preserve certain traits. it wasn't a problem until people started inbreeding like crazy one generation after the next and on and on.. That is why incest became a problem b/c after so many generation the genes started repeating itself which cause child defects.

so why should it matter if two people that are only siblings by socities view can't be together when none of the above has anything to do with them. i must say that our generation is starting to open up to stuff that decades ago would become a major crime like gay and lesbians being together and even getting married. we aren't has closed minded as we used to be but some still live in the past and refuse to accept the present. if you watch fushigi yuugi ova 2 there was a bro and sis in love with one another but when their tribe found out they were force to jump off a cliff and die together. i know it's only anime but it doesn't mean that it has happen in real life.

another example is a bro and sis separated at birth they have the same father but different mother. they were madly in love and even slept together they were happy. until they found out the truth between them and she committed suicide b/c she learned from society that it was wrong. if they never found out that they were sibling then the ending will be different. why does death have to happen before people can change their views on something like the 9/11...

oh sorrie i got a little off topic but my view is that if you truely love someone age, sex, race, or whatever it is should not matter. maybe at the end love will truely conquer all.

ps. truely sorrie for the long post but if you actually read all of what i wrote then i have to give you a round of applause you actually made it to the end. congrats.
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