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Old 2007-10-18, 15:05   Link #88
Miria's #1 Disciple
Join Date: Apr 2007
Originally Posted by Flar View Post
Why is it that the word of a professional liar whose job is to avoid creating or kill Awakened Beings has more credit than the one of an Abyssal one who is older, doesn't lie and has tremendous experience in creating and interacting with a multitude of Awakened Beings?
I am not saying he is more credible, just that he may not be lying either, no one in the Organization understands what the partial-awakening actually does, and Riful herself has never seen it, what we have is a group of people who do not apply to the standered set of "rules" that everyone is used to.

As for potential, I think it can change. Something like: Heat a metal bar and stretch it, it has a limit beyond which it breaks, but stop stretching a bit before it breaks, hammer it, cool it and then do it again, and you can go further than the original breakpoint.
As Sassarai said, you can only stretch it so far, that is what potential is after all, but what the Partially-awakening does (potentially) is add more metal onto the end of that bar, allowing it to stretch further.

Whether this goes on indefinatly remains to be seen.

The Organization is also far more reliable then we probably give them credit for, only Teresa and Priscilla are real trouble spots when concerning their stats.
All the other ones in question are the partially-awakened.
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