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Old 2008-03-07, 00:29   Link #35
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: San Diego
Originally Posted by LionsMane View Post
I honestly don't have a problem with their chosen title for Marimite at all. I like the "watching over us" --to me it sounds so much better than just "is watching" Using Maria instead of Mary might be considered a little strange because Mary would be the English form of the virgin's name but there are other languages that use Maria too. ---but not English, which might make it sound a little weird, hmmm...

I guess I'm too happy to find any fault right now.
"Maria-sama ga Miteru" roughly equates "Maria [Virgin Mary] is watching" but its French subtitle of "La Vierge Marie vous regarde" translates into "The Virgin Mary watches you (plural)" or "The Virgin Mary is watching you (plural)".
I would say that Spanish and Italian are the more common languages that come to mind that refer to her as Maria as opposed to English Mary and French Marie, as well.

gah. This could either be good or bad news, since I haven't seen the second or third seasons yet.
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