Thread: Reputation
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Old 2003-11-06, 18:26   Link #2
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA

I notice that GHDPro has just enabled the user reputation on the forum. This enables people to rate each other's posts. (There's a new icon next to reply.) Positive feedback will raise reputation while negative feedback will lower it. You can only rate each post once. I've also noticed that there is a choice under user options to make reputation visible to others...

I'm curious what other people think about this forum feature.
  • Is it a good thing?
  • Do you want others to know your reputation?
    It displayed as a colored dot (bar?) under your avatar. Black is disabled, green (maybe other colors?) seems to be enabled?
  • Do you think everyone's reputation should be automatically visible without an option to turn it off?
  • Do you think this feature should be disabled.
  • Do you think this feature will be abused or misused?
    Like someone purposefully searching for every post someone made just so that they can rate it badly to lower reputation.
I'd also like it if someone can tell me more about what reputation is and how it is used. Unfortunately I know very little about it. Has anyone else seen this feature used on another VB3 board? If so, how did it work out?

Edit: I just noticed that [Titan] Created a similar thread less than a minute before I created mine. I merged the two to prevent confusion.

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