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Old 2012-11-30, 19:11   Link #574
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Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Still don't see how that makes her from the future. There's a large assumption there that she "knows" what will happen. Just because Yoshino remembers things she happened to say, which were merely memorable quotes from Shakespeare, during times when they would be applicable, does not make it knowledge from the future.

The theory just made a lot of assumptions but didn't really support them with anything beyond conjecture based on more assumptions.
eheh that was more a possibility more than a theory. Just, why not? In all honesty I'm not expecting the show will go that far, because so far the magic power seems to have well defined boundaries and time travels go far beyond that boundaries.

Anyways, my idea was not coming from the Shakespeare's quotes, (even because sadly it's hard to catch them all for me) even if they are a bit suspicious given what it's happening. Besides that, since everything seems to turn all around Aika, we can count more than one coincidence along the road.
  • The strange accident Mashiro had back in his childhood (apparently not related to her)
  • Her strange behavior toward his brother, slightly hinted, that doesn't fit your usual sister-like behavior. More if you count that kind of brother who is clearly in love with you and it's a jealous-freak And when did she start dating his best friend?
  • Her apparently normal relationship with his best friend, that it was normal.
    So, why did she stopped in that sunflowers field?
    So, why inviting him to their holidays house at the beach, with the risk to be found out by her freak brother? On the other hand, what was her consideration for her brother and his feelings bringing home her lover?
  • What I have just wrote above seems to not fit well with her concern about their (boys) friendship; she said to Yoshino to stay on his brother side, and to Mashiro to treat Yoshino well.
Nothing abnormal, I know, just your normal teenager contradictions, if we don't take account of one thing: she dies.
How would you read them again if we supposed that she knew in advance about her death? And if we supposed she knew about all the war that was going on into Hakaze's clan? So, if we supposed that it was all an Aika scheme, all the little contradictions makes a bit more sense.

She worked to strengthen Mashiro/Yoshino friendship and also to made them fall in love with her. That would explain her ambiguous behavior toward Mashiro and her stepping back with Yoshino. She trained Mashiro to the role of the jealous brother (being not her brother) and Yoshino to the role of the boyfriend (being not a boyfriend, if we take her step back metaphorically). We so could going on with Hakaze playing the dead girl (so she will be alive) and Samon playing the bad guy (being a good one) and the blonde one as the good one (being the bad guy).
The part where I can't put things together is the one related to how she managed to strengthen their friendship. But if you look back to the invitation of Yoshino to her holiday house, with that move alone she strengthen her relationship with Yoshino, strengthen Mashiro/Yoshino friendship and nurtured Mashiro jealousy
So, Mashiro has his role and also Yoshino. Looking from this perspective Aika looks like more the writer than an actress. So that should imply that she knows.
Back to a less meta argumentation, if I can accept by remote chance that she schemed everything I have to ask not why first, but how she knew? And back then I answered myself with that time travel /communication between timeline possibility. But it could even be that she is just the main actress and not the writer. So someone else directed her.

Last note, I know that this is not a theory, I have no clues, I'm just speculating

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