Thread: Licensed Mouretsu Pirates
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Old 2012-02-17, 11:46   Link #1012
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Yeah Wikipedia really can confuse the basic principle of a quantum computer. The basic idea of a Quantum Computer vs Digital is a digital only has 2 states on or off for binary and takes time to switch. But a Quantum Computer the movement of the Quantum represents a state so while Digital can only have on/off states a Quantum Computer could have thousands of states represented by the location of the Quantum itself. Now this is where it's interesting because of this you in effect have a system that will be running calculations for code breaking or such simultaneously because each of these states in different locations are different binary values!

A good examine is for a computer to search for a proper phone number and name in a phone book of 10,000 names and numbers it will have to guess on an average of 5,000 names to get the correct number but a Quantum Computer will only have to make 100 attempts! 5,000 for 25 million names! Quantum Computers would put security at a whole new level because a Quantum Computer with enough power would be able to crack the best security very quickly.
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