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Old 2013-09-10, 20:52   Link #177
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Idaho
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
Like I mentioned, Levi doesn't have unlimited gas nor blades, so he -won't- be able to cut through FT's flesh: the very moment he cannot move with his 3D gear, he is dead meat. Hell, even if he manages to defeat FT this way, the return trip will be hell since they would have to regroup with everyone else in a awkward fashion (while tons of titans are still there).
This is true for the most part. Blades I suspect would be more of an issue here, since there's not a real clear indication of how much gas he has left. This is one of the issues with AoT, that the dwindling of resources tends to be more convenient than realistic. They refueled somewhat recently, so I could see him going on gas long enough. In the case of the FT they're a bit better with breaking blades, and so even if he used Mikasa's they would probably run out without some great planning to avoid that issue. As you said, Mikasa's more of a solo than a team player.

That's the risk they have gone through willingly. That said, the situation called for "fold" no matter how you look at it: the risk given in their situation was way too great to push their luck, especially that it was basically all or nothing.
Fair enough. Again, it's the riskier choice. It's the choice that I tend to choose in such precarious situations, and it pays off for me. Levi and Mikasa probably wouldn't be able to pull it off without consequence, and frankly if humanity actually succeeded at anything it wouldn't be very consistent with the rest of this series.

I suppose I have to agree here, then.
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