Thread: Smash Hit!
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Old 2004-03-26, 13:53   Link #49
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Looking for his book...
Smash Hit will have 8 episodes, like CosPrayers. Odds are Love©Love will also
be 8 episodes in length. Just looking at the site for the series, one can tell that
it uses some of the characters from both CosPrayers and Smash Hit. The three
combined would be 24 episodes long, a full anime season.

Although I don't care for the shows, I must tip my hat to M.O.E. for coming
up with such an ingenious plan. Three series, which are technically one, can
be marketed, sold and merchandised off separately. They've made it possible

to triple the pontential profit of one series. Kudos to the person who thought
that up.
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