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Old 2012-02-10, 02:57   Link #277
The Chaotic Dreamer
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: In a cruel yet beautiful world
Age: 32
I always held the possibility of Hare's death in mind from the beginning of the series. With how the creators described the meaning of the show's title, and the overall nature of the setting, I pretty much knew better than to assume everyone would live. However, with Hare being the girl we all knew wouldn't get the guy (and eventually becoming the official white mage), I anticipated her death more strongly than most other characters (besides Gai, of course).

However, the fact that it scarred Shu so deeply was unexpected to me. I was figuring that a bunch of his friends would die at once in a massacre before his eyes, or that they would die one by one, and once they were all gone THEN he would go berserk. Guess not. I wish they had done it that way, though (preferably by killing them one at a time). It would've made his loss more heart-wrenching, and his tyrannic attitude a bit more justifiable.
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