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Old 2013-10-15, 21:59   Link #37
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I thought this was a really great episode, especially when I've been waiting for some legitimate romance in this show for quite some time .

I never expected Kurugaya to be such an effective and cute love interest! It's nice seeing the normally aloof Anego act more like a girl in love, while still carrying her mature aura. Seeing her being so forward with Riki was as cute as it was hilarious

Now, getting over how jealous I am of Riki's success , I have to say that I think he and Kurugaya are cute together, and compliment each other very well. They definitely have a lot more chemistry than I thought they did from their few solo interactions in season one. Whether this is more because there's actual romance here, whereas the other heroines had it removed from their stories, I think is a good question.

Still, as much as I enjoyed it, I felt the episode would have benefited had there been more buildup for the relationship in season one. Maybe a brief scene hinting that Kurugaya's affections for Riki and trolling antics are of a more romantic nature than she lets on? Especially if from the onset the creators always had the intention to adapt Kurugaya's route in this manner.

I very much agree with Thermin Vox, Kengo is ten times more entertaining now than in the 24 episodes of season one where he was a stoic Kendo club member .

I thought there were small, subtle hints, in season one of Riki and Rin feeling something for one another, and it was much more obvious here. Riki gives her a quick glance immediately when asked if he genuinely loves someone, and Rin seems to take an uncharacteristic displeasure to the thought of Riki being in love with another girl and her brother supporting it. I doubt she has any idea why she feels this way, but it's a perfect setup for when we finally get to her route.

Love Love Hunters was hilarious . I'm only disappointed that it apparently doesn't quite live up to the game version...

All in all, a really great episode! Can't wait for the conclusion to Kurugaya's route!
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