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Old 2009-10-01, 03:37   Link #122
Komrades of Kitamura Kou
Join Date: Jul 2004
Age: 39
Once again no one is advocating him to be released. People are assuming again that there is a one-for-all punishment befitting the entire spectrum regardless of circumstances.

I may be out of line by saying this, but this is how I interpret those seeking the "lock him up and throw away the key, if not fry him on the chair" approach: it's a simple desire to satiate the hunger for vengeance. To me it's nothing more than revenge; vengeance on a person for the wrong that he has done.

But once vengeance is served cold, then what? The person is dead/locked up, but what does it do in the long run? It prevents the person from doing it again, obviously, but what else? Will a simple life or death sentence cause change in society? Will it cause say a change in the person, assuming he is capable of remorse and change, or maybe even change in others in similar situation? There are far too many possible effects that may come from different perceived solutions, and you would want the best. This to me is simply a "Lock him up now, let's figure everything else out later" mentality.

A simple generic punishment no matter the circumstances limits the possibilities. Remember that the term for these things is "Correction", but what exactly is corrective about simply putting someone in jail or in the chair and forgetting the person ever existed?
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