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Old 2011-07-20, 00:47   Link #14907
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Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
This "Fast and Furious" operation can't really be laid at Obama's feet. The BATF has a very long history of many administrations of being a bunch of incompetent thugs and idiots (yes, I said that out loud). Now, if the Justice department and Obama's administration try to sidestep/cover up... then my aggravation for *that* is up. I already view the Obama administration as just "center right lite" as it is.

This will probably be laid at Eric Holder's feet.
Even if he didn't know about it, the BATFE is still his responsibility, sucks I know, but unfortunately that's the price of power.

Oh, and you are absolutely correct about the ATF.
They've been a blight on the US government for years.
Remember this little goodie from the 1990s.
The so called "Good ol boy round-up" where ATF agents dressed up like KKK members and had a dreadful sign at the entrance to the event.
From the Justice department's own online files:

To really make your blood boil scroll down that report to the "racist signs" under "1. Substantiated allegations."

Yeah, our tax dollars at work.
Maybe with all this talk of cutting spending it might be time to ax this prohibition-era agency?
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