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Old 2006-09-04, 11:16   Link #12
Join Date: Dec 2005
GamePatch is the name for the group, not just me and heklin. The reason that me and heklin are the only ones who post is because we are really the only ones that need to. Besides our translators, checkers, and other random people, me and Heklin just handle the leadership and organization (even though he is still the head translator and editor).

As for myself, I handle Public Relations and organization of the project, so if you have any questions about it, I ask that, if possible, you direct it to me so that Heklin dosen't have to take time out of work to answer all your questions.

As for Lordi, he is on our team, but he is not a translator.

As for the Shuffle Discussion, we are still trying to decide on that one. We will post news about it later.
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