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Old 2013-08-23, 19:58   Link #3682
Join Date: Feb 2010
Overall, I thought the VERY beginning and VERY end were good, but everything in between was a disjointed, hyper-rushed hodgepodge. I mean for crying out loud, the Pink Mop was actually one of my favourite fixtures in the series, yet that was completely deleted...rendering Obright x Remi as a rather random romance that buds out of nothing and then dies just as quickly. They even deleted the "Diva is our home" bit FFS.

The beginning was definitely better though - far more coherent as to why Zeheart even cares about Asemu/Romary or why he even "fell into the trap of" the civilian lifestyle. Plus, Swordia.
Originally Posted by Hagoshod View Post
Oh, and there's this:

The horror.
I can sorta get over them glossing over the Mars Rays, mostly because they were barely mentioned in the OVA.

As for the speech? I thought that bit was a case of intentional lying. I found that the entire buildup leading to that moment made it abundantly clear that he was coming out with his lies and simply showing that he went off the deep end with no idea what to do.

Rather, it made it clear that Ezelcant's Eden was false, his own proposed "Eden" was also false...and then you get the scene with them as kids IN THE SAME "EDEN" ZONE, which shows that friendship was the real Eden he wanted.

...ok, that part was cheesy as all hell, but it's not completely assed >_>
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