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Old 2004-08-06, 09:47   Link #9
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Originally Posted by ccardoso
I'm not saying that homunculus are cute babies... I only said that they could be the dead persons who were tramuted, but they are incomplete. If that's so then human tramutations aren't a failure!
Not so, Humonculus are failed human transmutation attempts. They are the hideous by-product that should have resulted in the successful recreation of the person the alchemist was trying to bring back from the dead. Think Trisha's horrific failed mass of organs and bones. This is Sloth before she gets the red water from 'whoever' and becomes a Sin.

Wrath is different because he was delivered to the Gate by Izumi.Even though the HT actually produced a living Humonculus, it clearly failed to return her own living child, and Izumi suffered the loss of her internal organs as penance for her failure.

I'm not sure I'd agree that Humonculus aren't monsters to begin with, by definition they are fake 'shells' that have resulted from the failed attempts. They are monsters because they are neither 'real' nor alive and stand as a reminder of human folly and arrogance in the face of *insert your God here*...
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