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Old 2012-09-24, 10:41   Link #2883
Senior Guest
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Athens (GMT+2)
Age: 35
So people actually play Diana Jungle? I'm seeing a lot of Mid Diana's lately that builds quite glass cannon.
Imo Diana is not a mid champion...her Q trajectory is very easy to read and equally hard to land - the only time you can really get one in is if you wait for the enemy champion to last-hit, but you should probably be focusing on your creeps instead. Additionally, while spellvamp works wonders on her, she has no sustain and a weak shield early-game, so she will lose the lane versus Gragas, Ahri, Karthus, etc.

As for me, classic losses at solo Q, kinda fun ARAMs though; did a 3v5 as Jarvan vs Ashe/Sivir/Fiora/Alistar/Soraka and we actually pushed them as far as the inhibitor turret, they were so happy to beat us eventually
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