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Old 2013-02-03, 02:50   Link #155
likes cute things
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Searching for more imoutos
Age: 43
Well maybe you had high expectations but I highly doubt that I did.

They were obviously not going to go with the romance type scenes, although some of them could've been adjusted to fit the friendship style theme. And sure, they're doing that, but it's done so horribly that it feels like another version of Komari's anime route.

All I expected was a friendship version + decent execution.
It didn't even have to be great, just bearable. But it's not even that, since they're using a scene from the story that doesn't even have the prior buildup. Kanata impersonating Haruka doesn't even make sense anymore since Riki and Haruka don't even appear to be close friends. So why would it really matter if Kanata wants to impersonate Haruka? By removing all those scenes before the revelation of the other "Haruka," we don't even get to see Riki and Haruka become at least close friends. From the way Riki's and Haruka's relationship is portrayed, there is very little if any reason for Haruka to become upset.

Now, the anime is most likely going to something really original here. Maybe something like Haruka becomes pissed that Kanata is interacting with her friends. If that's what they're doing, they could've done a better job. We'll see next episode I hope...
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