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Old 2012-03-28, 15:59   Link #62
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by golgo13 View Post
Really wanna see smoker get out of this somehow. Seeing him get this owned again is unfortunate because I think he will be likely be to luffy what garp was to gol d roger (i know coby may also fit this role but i really think it will be smoker).

Switching the bullets and the snow is a neat trick. At first I did like the idea that box around smokers heart is the room miniaturized, but it raises some questions. Law did say "mes" so it could be a new move altogether. It also means Law is able to move the room around, along with its contents. Can he have multiple rooms? Overlapping ones?

Anyone know what the sound effects around smokers heart mean?

Smoker stopping Law's sword must mean he has haki.

Brownbeard: you bandits
Zoro: this guy has no sense of self reflection

Who are the people under Luffy's pic in the newspaper? One is definitely Dragon. The other two Ace and Garp??
Smoker wasn't exactly owned either, it was neck and neck until Law pulled that trick. You also have to think that at higher levels, fights can end in one move not because on owns the other but because both are really that dangerous.

I think that's the sound effect for the heart beating but I'm not sure.

Yes, Garp, Dragon and Ace

And yea.........Oda's just gonna let Smoker, a popular character with tons of potential just die like that.....>_>
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