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Old 2008-04-13, 10:27   Link #133
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Originally Posted by Var View Post
I'd have agreed with your assesment of the situation had the conversation been more consistent in timing, but there are two pauses before and after 'sou ka'. I assumed that this was when she was making a decision of sorts. In normal conversation a pause like that, with the tone of voice, would usually imply that the person is in thought as they speak.
Yes, but the first pause is before she says "shinjitai", so she obviously wasn't decided at that point.

I agree that the second pause is arguable, but during it we see Kallen's expression is still one of extreme uncertainty. We never see her positively affirm a decision; at most, it might be implied when she lifts her head and forcefully continues, "But...!"

Bottom line, we're just reading Kallen differently. I don't think we can settle this one today; more evidence will be required.

She distinguished them before, I think its more a line of "Show me your the same man". She wants to be certain that they are in fact the same. There is a difference between them, one was an untouchable idol, while the other was just a student. She needs to be reaffirmed just who Zero is.
I agree she needs reaffirmation of who Zero actually is and what he stands for - that's why I don't think she still fully believes in him just yet.

If Kallen does distinguish between Zero and Lelouch, she's doing so on the basis of the "ideal" Zero, the public face - in which case Lelouch can't show he's the same man as Zero, because he isn't, and Kallen now knows that. She can't expect him to live up to Zero's ideals and goals in all respects, because in the final analysis they're not what drives Lelouch. The best she can do for now is to follow Zero the leader and trust that he'll advance the cause of Japanese liberation, while trying to figure out what makes Lelouch the man tick.

Originally Posted by Archaic View Post
In any case....getting back to the point from our posts earlier....there's nothing in that conversation about her "wanting to trust him", as you stated before Guppy.
I admit, I'm conflating "trust" and "believe" in this discussion, because I think the two concepts are largely interchangeable in this context. The bare facts are that Kallen did say "shinjitai" before saying "shinjiru."
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