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Old 2008-11-16, 03:28   Link #30
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Eggs in a Bottle View Post
Well uhh I dunno how this turned into an argument, since I really hate arguments, but well Ledgem describes naturally chronic emos, and those are indeed rare cases and they have nothing to do with this girl, except if she is one. Most suicides attempts are later commented to have been stupid and "times of momentary insanities", for example that Hollywood actor with the crooked nose is a perfext example. Also this girl is not similar, I dunno what she is. Maybe a chronic indeed? But it seems to me like everything's just going really shitty for her and because she's young...
And has precious little to look forward to. Especially if she gets a heart transplant. When it comes to lives, longer doesn't mean better.

And Anh Minh describes the natural mental barrier of suicide that I thought of talking about, since it is pretty easy to pass that barrier. It is the same as murdering somebody, your hand moves a little, or your finger, and snap, you killed somebody. You could grab a pair of scissors right now, and cut your neck. SNAP.
No, I couldn't. Survival instinct would kick in and stay my hand.

If you were under the influence too, it would be MUCH easier to pass the barrier.
Yeah, so? Are you claiming that girl is a junkie?

Next you mention my use of moron like I did not intend it and then complain how I misuse it. Okay, ehh I ment a person, who uhm has malfunctioning brains.
And why do you think being suicidal means having a malfunctioning brain?

And deducting that your life is worth nothing? What?
Quite simply, we human beings project ourselves in the future. There are things we fear, things we want. When our future is filled with nothing but the former with none of the latter, what's the point of going on?

Next you link getting kicked into balls every minute with heart transplant, and hey it is not the same. I'm not an expert, but she doesn't seem like she's in horrible pain every second, sure the surgery might hurt and she might have a "tight chest" and maybe some occasional "pinching chest pain" (dunno how to describe really), but would there be anything worse? If she would be in horrible pain, she would be crying every second with her body twitching uncontrollably. That is what pain is, it hurts.
It was an exaggerated example showing money isn't enough to be happy. In her case, for example, it can't buy good health. It can't buy a future. She probably can't have children, and even getting them at all would be irresponsible, due to the high likelihood of orphaning them at a young age. She can't have a long term relationship because, to her, there is no long term.

To have a heart transplant would mean trading a relatively normal "present" for an unpleasant future of frequent hospital visits and constant fear of germs, due to the immuno-suppressant she'd have to take. And in which she'd still die young, where long-term plans would still be futile. Where's the rational in that?

And the last part, damn you googled the facts, I wasn't betting on that.
Maybe you should have done the same before implying a heart transplant would automatically result in her having a long, full life.
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