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Old 2011-12-16, 22:06   Link #64
Cross Game - I need more
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Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Originally Posted by Kazu-kun View Post
That's a lie in and of itself. Ringo was never the key to find the Penguindrum at all. Momoka was just using her own sister to distract Sanetoshi.

Knock it off with the "it was all a decoy" mantra.

It's clear that the diary was an actual threat to Sanetoshi. It nearly defeated him before, and he certainly knew it was a threat.

When I'm up against a truly dangerous opponent I often prepare multiple ways of winning.

I think that's all that Momoka did. The diary was one possible way of defeating Sanetoshi, and the one he already knew about.

It makes perfect sense to make that your main attack. It also makes perfect sense to prepare a backup plan in case your main plan fails.

I think that the diary is a "penguindrum" (whatever that means). Just that there isn't only one penguindrum.

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