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Old 2008-02-03, 22:44   Link #103
I'm the Showstopper!
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: A place where you can't find me.
Originally Posted by lua thien View Post
From a human POV, that's morally wrong.

From a Tomogara's POV... well, that's a restaurant for them.

Better yet, the death row inmates are about to be killed so why not take their PoE instead?

Honestly, to think that there would be Tomogara that would breed humans in the same manner as livestock, they are gonna need a lot of farms to surpass the demand.
Well, humans have a sense of morals that center only around thmeselves. I guess none of them could accept that they aren't at the top of the food pyramid with Tomogara and Rinne running around.

Originally Posted by Freeter View Post
Spoiler for 16:
Kazumi could just trick Satou or Ike to use that Hougu in her place. But she's not as effective to the plot as she used to be. Nonetheless, it's tempting for me to think of jumping into the episode and smash Pheles on the head with a steel chair due to her "the world revolves around me" nature.

Well, even if no one really cares about her, Konoe Fumina's memory will live on. Someone should have videotaped Konoe during the festival march and they might just see the wizard attire walking on its own?
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