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Old 2012-06-11, 12:23   Link #149
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: "Sacrifice one to appease the few."
Anyone else confused when Amata said "I was afraid to go after the one I love" or something to that effect? Has he not been egging for Mikono this entire time? Didn't he go to Altair because he was going after the one he loved? It this yet another retcon to try and make him understand his horrible mother?

I also don't understand how everyone can hate Mykage so easily yet they instantly forgive Izumo. Izumo may not have wanted to take Alicia to Altair but he still attacked Vega and willingly kidnapped countless other woman only to erase their memories after they turned into men than making them his soldiers. Lets also not forget his rough treatment of Kagura and his totally screwed up treatment of Amata. There's nothing redeemable about him at all, his death and his "love" for Alicia doesn't give him a free pass for all the people he abducted or the countless innocents killed on Vega during his abductions that he willingly participated in and gave the okay for future missions. Not once did he try to resolve this peacefully, it was only after **** hit the fan and his abductions were failing that he bothered to try and force his demands on Vega. Even than he told them very little and fully expected them to comply in giving him Rare Igura.

It's like everyone forgets that Izumo is the main reason Mix got turned into Mixy and why Mixy has altered memories.

Alicia may have had noble intentions but like she said she had Amata. Her responsibility was to him first, he was entirely dependent upon her and unlike Altair's state, which was its own fault in a way, he had done nothing wrong. Yet even though she was a rich actress she couldn't have even bothered to have a guardian set up for him after agreeing to go with her lover? She left him traumitized and alone to live on the streets while being treated like **** by others because of his wings. I don't care what they try and say or do, what she did was wrong but it was worse fo Amata to so easily forgive her despite all the BS she put him through.

No reason to hate on Kagura. Mikono has shown far more interest in him and just like Zessica its a wasted opportunity and wasted time that should have been spent on Amata and Mikono since they are the ones they're pushing for as End Game.

Last edited by Destined_Fate; 2012-06-11 at 12:33.
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