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Old 2008-12-09, 15:21   Link #3
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: The Satellite of Love
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Real Name: Stanly Dolonaire
Super Hero Name: Savage Tooth
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Alignment: Hero

Appearance: As a normal human he is 6'4'' with no hair, and a very large frame. Whenever he transforms, he turns 7'8'' with black tiger stripes going over white fur. His muscles expand to an enormous rate and his eyes turn completely sky blue. In this form he can roar much louder than a police siren.

Power(s): In normal form, his strength is just above that of a normal human, and he is able to lift 300 pounds. However, whenever he is transformed into Savage Tooth, he is able to lift over three tons and throw over a thousand pounds at a time. His senses are heightened to that of a Tiger, giving him extra sight in the dark and an extra sense of smell. His roar can just barely shake the air with sound waves.

Weaknesses: Can only stay in the Savage Tooth form for about 20 minutes at a time. Needs about another ten minutes before he can transform once again. While he is in Savage Tooth form, he can become very reckless.

History: Dolonaire was only fifteen when he first transformed into Savage Tooth. He said that he always felt that he had another layer inside of his body, he just never knew how to bring it out. After he first rampage destroying a great deal of his first middle school, he was sent to juvenile hall. However, as time went on and he was harassed to extensive ends, he became infuriated and decided to break the rules once again.
Ever since his infamous escape from Juvi he has been on the run. Every single time the cops think they have him, he unleashes his bestial form and destroys their weapons and will to continue pursuit.
Now wherever he goes, he tries to hide his identity, going to either large unknown cities or small towns to see refuge. However, recently the government has been finding more creative and fool proof ways to track and capture the Savage Tooth.

Last edited by Rinji; 2008-12-09 at 16:08.
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