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Old 2012-04-28, 02:54   Link #27
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Well, the available pics confirm the legitimacy of that first summary, so it stays as is. Still real disappointed about Magellan, but eh. It is what it is. I just hope that Oda will still set up a rematch between him and Luffy at some later point....

Anyways, now that the spoiler's confirmed, I can only guess that Oda somehow managed to convince the editors to let him step up his game for this storyline by having a mad scientist get little kids addicted to drugs (BTW, the term Chopper used is the same "kakuseizai" that Aohige mentioned earlier). Though, I have to wonder what Law thinks of those experiments since he's just letting CC do as he pleases with the kids. Is he really that cold-hearted as to just ignore their situation, seeing as he's a doctor himself, pirate though he may be? But then again, this could also have something to do with his earlier accusation to Smoker.....

Also, about those yeti guys, looking at the pics, they remind me more of the long-leg people (like Baron Tamago) rather than giants. Well, at least it looks like we're finally introduced to some stronger enemies (could use a few more, though).....
I'm rather shocked myself. Didn't we have the Fishmen and their pill popping ways last arc, to say nothing of the utterly grimdark content of this revelation. I'm surprised another major use of drug use has come up so soon (besides Chopper's use of his own Rumble ball drugs - did he get off them and is able to use all his transformations without them, by the way?). Given children are the addicts, it makes it all the more horrifying. A good solid way to establish CC as an absolute monster (as if his other actions at PK weren't enough).

It's difficult to say what the 'end goal' is with them, aside from their artificially induced growth. If there is a government and/or military connection... I would suspect super soldiers, personally... the new Pacifista perhaps? Or rats to test out a new weapon CC's developing. Either way, it'll be interesting how Oda takes it from here.

The big question mark is Law. I am eager to see what that full conversation between CC and him entailed this chapter. Right now, I myself am getting a bit of mood whiplash with Law being angry and leaving the lab last chapter vs him offering up Smoker's heart as a gift now and not then. I'm curious what he was doing in that time - Den Den call of his own maybe? He's been dropping cryptic clues since the beginning: that comment about forged calls, the marines 'scheming' bit, and of course the 'we both have something to get back' line to Luffy. It could be that the revelations of Law's motivations for being present are the key to this arc (and perhaps a larger arc, like one poster suggested last chapter thread) and that's why we're still in the dark about them and his thoughts in general.

Either way, this all but guarantees CC and Smoker will be having a direct confrontation. Law's gift could very well turn out to be a curse. And perhaps Law knows that too.
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