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Old 2018-05-15, 18:17   Link #1693
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Originally Posted by mangamuscle View Post

... and why are all those so called law abiding citizens not clamoring for Trump to stand trial on his openly criminal behavioir? A bunch of hypocrites I say, their train of thought can be summarized as:

1) Law is on our side, if that fails:
2) We are the majority, if that fails:
3) God is on our side, by that of course they mean "our evangelical pastor said so".

At the very least I expected trump to be roasted by his base for saying he did it to save chinese jobs, what happened to "amurrica first"?
this is the problem of "brainwash social midia, for them "amurrica first" will be anthying trump say or do, don't matter even if him point a nuclear missle to USA Itself and the town of majority of his "mindcontrolled peoples" they will still believe in "POTUS" no matter how much shit he can throw at them, same goes to NK and others crazy dictators, know how to use media and social network at your favor and everything will be fine.
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