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Old 2010-11-09, 12:19   Link #18669
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Renall View Post
We don't know who lied in ep6 specifically. For all we know, it was the fakers and the fakers alone and the fathers are reacting genuinely (this would be a mean move on the part of their wives, but the point is their reaction "appears" genuinely enraged and scared).

For any other arc, the question becomes "what kind of leverage might a person have over everyone to get them to participate?" Money is presented as the most obvious leverage, and the one most likely to work on any of the parents. For cousins and servants, that's another question, but at least some notion has been presented, and the bank boxes give an impression of actual sincerity; that is, the person asking them to do something silly was going to follow through on giving them cash for it. Or not. Either way, it doesn't strike me as a very good way to operate if you're a murderer.

Killing people who are off doing some silly thing, especially if they're "supposed" to appear dead anyway in the end, is considerably easier on the logistical side. So either the killer is theatrical and insincere, or is exploiting someone who is theatrical and sincere.
Well the fakers are people who lied if anything.
I think the best leverage for pre first real murder fakers is what motivated Natsuhi during the first part of arc 5 : not letting secrets out.
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