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Old 2003-11-18, 01:39   Link #21
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
They did not catch up to the novels. There are enough novels already written to carry the series to episode 64. The cancelled the series because the later novels don't have Youko as a main character and the idiot producers feel that unless they rewrite the show to give Youko a more central role they will lose their audience.

Originally they were planning to rewrite the story of the novels, but they were running into problems with the scripts since some of the characters would need to be rewritten to fit with the new plot. Unfortunately the character of Tai's General of the Left Division isn't well enough defined in the already written novels that they could figure out what he would say if he met Youko.

That's when the rewrites faltered and they decided to cancel the show. Perhaps when more novels are written they will be able to rewrite it without fear of inconsistency. Personally, I'm hoping that they will eventually decide to simply go with the authors original plot instead of rewriting it for ratings.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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