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Old 2012-08-29, 15:17   Link #4823
Deacon Blues
Supreme Grocer
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
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Volume 7 for Frozen Teardrop comes out on the 26th... I'm still trying to figure out how they have enough material for a volume :S

At any rate, onto Frozen Teardrop, Preventer 5 conclusion. Cue my delusional yammerings on this chapter:

Somehow Doctor J is still alive. I don't know how that old bastard survived the Libra incident and all, but Gundam Evolve has him and Sumizawa cited that back in the prologue, sooooo, yeah. Another odd point is how Quatre is "aware" of the five scientists when last I remember the series played it off like they didn't really know. Unless that stint at the lunar base was enough to get to know them by their names and all.

I'm still trying to figure out how Heero is fighting Dixneuf. Cancer vs Virgo III? Hello, Virgo III has armaments, Cancer has... what? Seriously Dixneuf? You can't hit him? Fail. Then again, the MD mode is activated and he's... fighting him underwater. Of course a Virgo III can't work underwater and the Cancer will be superior. *applauds* So, Heero beats Dixneuf and it sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Duo is still cracking away at the nuke with a computer. He's also conversing with a cat.

"You're Sam, aren't you?"

The cat meowed softly.

He half jokes with the cat, "So, Sam, you wouldn't be able to tell me... the password to release the explosive switch on this could ya? You know it right?"

The cat meows and Yes is displayed on the monitor.

"So the password is?"

The cat meows twice but doesn't display anything on the screen.

"I don't speak cat, so tell me in English, eh?"

So after the cat doesn't say anything they decide "Hey! We HAVE to contact Doctor J." who just... magically has the password and everything. He also trolls them by going "Oh, I forgot to tell you, the same time the explosive device is released, it'll activate the Perfect Peace Program."

Quatre and Duo aren't sure what to do. So, Doctor J tells them they have no choice but to die there. Duo doesn't like his sarcastic humor at all.

Anyways, Relena regains consciousness and they're trying to decide what to do with her. She asks about Heero and they tell her that he was fighting Dixneuf and that afterwards he was stuck on the ocean floor with a damaged propulsion section so he couldn't move.

Relena is all like "Oh but someone is heading there to save him of course, right?"

Except they can't save him at the moment. Oops. And then they have to break it to her they can't save him.

"What about the effects of the nuke? Heero's safe in the sea, isn't he?"

Quatre didn't answer that question. Duo did instead.

"His current location puts him within the Sank Kingdom's bay... it's really unfortunate, but... there's no way to save him."

When Relena heard that she seemed to reach a decision.

"I see..." After falling silent she summoned everyone to her hospital room at the castle.

So, the Little Prince capsule is discussed now. Doctor J mentions a second one (Sleeping Beauty).

Blah blah, Relena has the small computer before her with Sam on it.

"I am Relena Peacecraft. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sam."


Just then the OZ line buzzes in. It's Heero.

"Stop it, Relena! Do not go back to being a Peacecraft!"

"No, Heero. This is the only way we can survive."

"Relena, don't worry about me." (cue his thoughts if life is cheap, especially mine line--ugh drama queen)

"You're wrong, Heero. You should value your life more."

Heero was quiet.

"You've yet to live your life to its fullest. Please continue living... Please show me when your soul shines especially bright." (LMAO WHAT?! Yes, she does say that.)

"Is that my mission?"

"It is my wish."

Relena cut the transmission.

"I won't say goodbye because I believe we will surely meet again."

Relena inputs the password.

Thirty minutes prior to the explosion, the nuclear device was deactivated. However, at the same time, the Perfect Peace Program was activated.

It was late spring night in the Sanc Kingdom. April 9th AC-197 ended in distress. Afterwards, the whereabouts of the five former Gundam pilots was unknown. Peace in the Earth Sphere was still maintained. However, whereas peace was restricted to the Earth Sphere, the gears of disorder known as "history" were turning far, far away on Mars. That is based on the conclusion from the report that the wreckage of the Virgo III could not be located on the bottom of the Sanc Kingdom bay by the Preventer investigative team.


When Relena Peacecraft got into the cold sleep capsule known as "The Little Prince", she never looked back. Perhaps her tears had already frozen. However, a teddy bear was being embraced closely in her arms. It was an important memento from Heero.

To be continued...

Relena went to sleep to protect the future, and as time passes, the story returns to the MC era again!

So why do people fight, anyway?
Perhaps the meaning of existence lies within their will to fight.
People feel a sense of accomplishment through battle.
And it’s also a fact that the ones actually fighting are never perceived as being tainted.
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