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Old 2010-01-02, 00:09   Link #1971
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
I'm not really sure about that... although he doesn't ABUSE the authority like Erika does, people have a tendency to listen to him and his theories.

Additionally, Battler might not use the detective's authority simply because he doesn't know that it exists.
Well while I won't outright deny that he didn't have some of it, there are a few factors that lead me to believe he was not granted the detective's authority.

1. As shown with Erika, a game piece that is granted the detective's authority, when they are speaking a theory everyone who is accompanying them at the time ALWAYS has complete fixated attention on them. Noone can resist and rarely anyone ever disagrees. This didn't always happen with piece Battler.

2. You are granted the ability to use the blue truth outside the game board. Battler didn't gain this ability until partway through EP4 and even then it was meta-Battler and not piece Battler

And lastly I believe Erika even said something similar herself in the game in red: The detective cannot be killed in the game. Piece Battler died in all four of the first games in the final twilight.
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