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Old 2013-10-01, 19:57   Link #1872
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2013
^^ Possible spoilers from volume 14/15 ahead.

I think that's likely, but I can't imagine them going because the Vampires attack any of the party who went to Romania. For a start if anything serious happens to Rias, Sirzech would get involved, same probably goes for Kiba, (or at least his master might appear). And Azazel would be a silly target due him being the defacto boss of the fallen angels.

That said from the little we know about Vampires in DxD they are pretty powerful, even discounting Gaspers potential strength (he's a bit imbalanced sacred gear plus vampire abilities plus devil abilities = OP). The very fact that the vampires appearing now means some of them must be at least as powerful as the hero faction since we know how DxD works. powerful enemy appears, they fight and seem impossibly strong Ise levels up and wins.

Of course this cycle isn't unique to DxD and in my opinion the level up has always been done in a fun way with decernable differences in ability. Which isn't always the case.

Anyway back to point. Even if they all go to Romania to fight you'd have to expect the boss level Vampires to be stronger than anything we've seen before.

I wonder if they won't fight the vampires but instead it's more like the school trip where they help fix a situation while the new enemy faction get involved.
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