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Old 2016-01-13, 01:02   Link #731
Vegard Aune
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Originally Posted by Asehpe View Post
I must admit, though, that Madoka Magica (the series) feels like such a closed, densely plotted little animē that I even fear continuations / second seasons might actually make it less good. 'Rebellion' (on which I have a couple of strong opinions) was not bad, actually it can even be claimed to be very good, but it is in a very true sense a completely new thing -- we're no longer in the cycle of Madoka and her solution to the problem of the Magical Girl system, we're now in the world of Homura and her obsession with Madoka.

Of course, 'Rebellion' feels like it needs a continuation; now that they did it, they can't stop there. Still it feels that the 'true end' of Madoka Magica is still Madoka's ascension to godhood. Don't you have the impression that continuing the story after that is, to a certain extent, disrespectful -- even if the final product ends up being also amazing?

How do you feel about that? Is the series 'so good' that continuing it, even though it gives us the chance to spend more time with all those wonderful characters, may eventually be detrimental, in that it 'corrupts' the awesome completeness that the original series had? It's as if it were tainting its soul gem...
Are... Are you me? No seriously, that is almost exactly how I feel about it too. Hated the idea of a sequel, still saw Rebellion, initially hated it, eventually warmed up to it though I always thought it was absolutely terrible as an ending (not just for what happens in it, but also for how it presents itself; Literally every single scene is directed in such a way that it feels like setup for more conflict later, and at the end it feels like the movie just stops), and have been clamoring for some sort of sequel to it just because as it stands I feel the story is incomplete.

Personally though, I've already accepted that whatever comes next almost certainly will not be as good as the show. Nor do I think an ending as satisfying as the TV-series one can really be done again at this point. Not even if they were to end the hypothetical sequel with the TV-series ending fully restored exactly the way it was, because that would just make both sequels feel utterly pointless.
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