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Old 2013-04-07, 04:19   Link #8010
Aquaman OS
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
If he wasn't such a jackass to the UFN he might have had a chance at uniting against Schinizel, however by the time he rolled out Damocles (and revealed Nunnally was alive) he was already too deep into the plan to stop (and Suzaku would have likely killed him if he wimped out for his own selfish desires for Nunnally again). Nobody would trust him at that point since he had basically proven everyone right in their theorys that he was an evil selfish bastard that wanted world dominiation.

Nunnally apparant death ruined everything. If he sucessfully took her back, then even if Schinizel talked the Black Knights into questioning him, Lelouch would have had the confidence and desire to talk his way out of it (I still maintain that if Lelouch had showed up full of confidence when Schnizel first attempted to negotiate he could have deflected Schniziels accusations and kept the BK on his side. But by the time he finally showed up they were already agitiated and he was too depressed to bother.) And ironically Nunally's supposed death had nothing to do with Ougi or Viletta.
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