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Old 2011-05-15, 03:37   Link #90
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Myname View Post
Women cries rape and the man accused is forever ruined, regardless of the truth. No evidence required but his name and face will forever linger on in newspapers and the Internet. When the woman is ousted for lying, nothing happens to her. She is not prosecuted, penalized, or affected in anyway. Just look at the Duke Lacrosse players for example. That bitch ended up killing her boyfriend a few years after that incident.

Many feminists do not want equal rights, they merely want to reverse the power hierarchy.
Terrible example. You need a better grasp of history and culture, globally.

In the bulk of the world women are second class citizens at best. The most common expectation for women is to breed, take care of the house, and please the male(s). Equal rights? HUMAN rights are almost nonexistent in large parts of the world when it comes to gender equality. We're spoiled by living in areas of the world like the United States, where great strides have been made for women. Even in such places, it is nowhere near perfect, and BOTH genders are raised with conflicting messages of gender identity and social expectations of that conformity.

How quickly we forget that even in such "progressive" nations, gender equality is a heavily debated subject, and that some of the largest legal changes are barely 100 years old, at best. Heck public discourse on rape and domestic abuse wasn't common in the US until 20-30 years ago. Society has changed but it's akin to saying that because of Civil Rights and having a black President, there's no more discrimination against minorities.

Your example ignores all of the cases where a woman was raped and nothing was done about it. Or worse.

Have some perspective if you're going to engage in a discussion like this.

Now, shall we get back on topic? Thanks.
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