Thread: Licensed Date A Live [Light Novel]
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Old 2013-05-15, 10:04   Link #2752
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Hey guys bare with me for a while cause this is a wid theory so tell me what u think. Remember how they said 30 years ago the first spirit attacked and caused massive damage.
What happens if that spirit was a teenager much like tohka but instead of going back to the world stayed without anybody realizing it.
That spirit fell in love with a man and that man was shidou's father. Things happen shidou is born and his spirit power is all about absorbing the power of other spirits and taking on their abilities. That explains why shidou has this weird power thing going on. Mana is their second daughter which explains why she's got such a heavy spirit body (or whatever they said made mana special). The trick is the power that shidou had wasn't something they realized until he was older. The interaction with kotori (or ifreet at the time) was what caused the fire. When his parents realized this he sent shidou and kotori to live with shidou's Uncle or somebody like that and hid the truth from shidou hoping he wouldn't be targeted and also sealed his power. I cant explain the organizations bu maybe that explains shidou kotori and mana.
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