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Old 2012-10-15, 07:17   Link #984
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Salt View Post
I think my main issue is with the Kirito/Asuna romance. I'm, lacking a better word, "unconvinced". They went from "zero to hero" so quickly, that it felt rushed over - that the script writers just glued them together as a couple and tell us to accept it.
That's more or less just how the story is written. The SAO novel started with a prologue to explain the premise, then jumped straight to floor 74. No amount of short stories is going to be able to fill that two year gap, hence why Kawahara is rewriting the entire Aincrad arc in the Progressive series.

Originally Posted by Salt View Post
For example, Amagami SS's Tsukasa Ayatsuji's arc was amazing and it was done in only 4 eps - with considerable backstory too. While SAO is over 14 episodes and I still don't quite "feel it".
Amagami's story arcs only covers what, a week? the two doesn't really compare, the timescale, not to mention the genre, is too different.

Originally Posted by Salt View Post
I think that I not having read the source material is what is hurting it for me. Having viewed it as a standalone anime, I'm more or less judging it on it's own merits - which I found wanting.

Heh. I have no issues with indecisive, butt-monkey male leads. The indecisive-ness is necessary to maintain the love triangles (polygons) and the butt-monkey-ness is mostly comic relief as the lead plays "straight guy" to the most of the time fairly wacky cast.
Heh, there are no love polygons of any sort in SAO, and Klein's got the comic relief role nailed down

Originally Posted by Salt View Post
Played quite a bit of WoW a few years back. For most part it works for and against me when it came to shows like this. It's like being relative well versed in how computers worked and then see a movie when the someone "Hacks a satellite !!!" ... YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Those things use custom hardware and software, there is no way anyone can hack into it "just like that" without months of information gathering and research, and this is overlooking the fact that the said satellite must have the shittiest security ever.
I understand the feeling, but the key here is whether it's internally consistent, not so much whether it's consistent with real life. After all, this is fiction, not a documentary. It's just something that you have to try to move past. I can spend all day pointing out flaws and inconsistencies war/actions films, but that's missing the point.

as far as the "will-powering", it's actually a specific concept/mechanic that gets expanded later on in the story, but for now it's going to feel like a regular DEM.

Last edited by relentlessflame; 2012-10-15 at 08:42. Reason: fixed quote
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