Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Haiyore! Nyaruko-san (Xebec)
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Old 2012-06-25, 13:02   Link #1709
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Florida

Even if the first half of the episode was a little clipshow-y, it did a wonderful job with atmosphere. The birds, the clouds, the layer of gray coating everything. It was exactly the kind of thing Lovecraft would've liked. As this show is wont to do, of course it ends on an anticlimax, done for the love of eroge. (I completely understand the villains' motivations. I, myself, have a pretty sizable backlog of ges of the ero nature. Though exploiting Ghuta to do it is kinda dickish.) It did make for an awesome final battle, with everyone playing a role in the proceedings, save for Yoichi and Tamao.

Ghuta even ended up joining Mahiro's harem by the end.

I've been saying it since the first week, but I absoloutely love this show, for many of the same reasons I love Akibaranger. It mocks and celebrates nerd culture at the same time, mostly through having a plot simple enough that it can be anything, while also being ridiculous in and of itself. (Chtulu Mythos + love comedy. Japan, don't stop doing what you do.) In a lot of ways, it reminds me of the first season of Hayate no Gotoku (ie. my favorite season), and probably has the highest density of toku references I've seen in any anime. The love for Kamen Rider that permeates through this program is truly admirable.

It also had just about every form of relationship imaginable, all played for laughs, and some wonderful comedic timing. I am and will continue to be a big KuuNyaru fan, but Mahiro/Nyarko actually isn't too bad. Kana Asumi proved she can be as manic as anyone else in the VA scene - everyone brought in a good performance.

I will wait for the day when a second season is announced, because Nyarko and friends will always be at the top of my priority list.
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