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Old 2013-05-21, 15:16   Link #8031
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Originally Posted by Aquaman OS View Post
That too is part of the tragedy, where good people die, and not so good people end up getting away with it.

Of course I suspect the restructure to have him back with the BK again for awhile made their eventual betrayal of him rather poorly justfied (although they still could have pulled it off right if they made it look like Lelouch was planning to betray them, instead of them doing it because Ougi said so. The evidence was there)

Imagine for example the BK opposing him from the start of R2 because he ran out on them in the Black Rebellion and left them all to rot. That would have been at least slightly understandable then them getting over that almost instantly, but then betraying him later for different reasons.

Of course back in early R2 despite claiming they forgave him, they made it clear in secret that they'd turn on Zero the instant he wasn't acting in Japan's best interest. And he kind of looked like he wasn't acting in Japan's best interest. So maybe that betrayal didn't totally come out of nowhere.
Only kind of. It's not like he completely bailed on the rebellion. He had a moment of weakness. They went totally passive-aggressive on him. Not to mention the hypocrisy on their part, where they essentially ended up bailing on the UFN who they were now beholden to with the betrayal. And of course, Ohgi blindly accepting Villetta again and trusting her testimony against Lelouch, even though she was part of the cause of the Black Rebellion falling apart on the Ashford end, not to mention the one who kept Lelouch, who for the record had been captured and stripped of his memories, under surveillance to make sure he didn't become Zero again, all because she wanted to be a Britannian noble. By all rights at the very least, Ohgi should have realized this and told Villetta to take a hike. And for the former, Xing-ke and Kaguya should have demoted if not dismissed the existing BKs who were responsible for the betrayal.

Lelouch was at fault to an extent, but the storyline went crazy on the Informed Wrongness.

And the end was portrayed as somewhat optimistic instead of tragic.
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