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Old 2009-02-10, 19:03   Link #208
Member of DOLLARS
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: In the magical land of Moonswell pass
Age: 28
What I want to happen is for there to be a secret know only to Aizen, Gin, Tosen and the top 4 Espada that, they have two ressurcions, one in their Adjuchas form and the other as their VL form then the VLs would be like the captains of Bleach who have two releases, it would make the fight a lot more interesting.

IMO Ulquiorra should be a dragon because think about it Hime in Japanese means Princess, they are in a tower, Ichigo is the hero and Ulquiorra is the one holding down the fort so Ulquiorra being a dragon makes perfect sense, I wouldn't mind seeing him as a pale dragon like creature and then after Ichigo pushes Ulquiorra even more he says another release command changing into a more humanoid dragon. If that happens then it will assure the reason why the top 4 can't release in the dome because their reiatsu is too great and it will show the power difference of being a VL.

We are DOLLARS, credit for sig goes to CMHerrera-chan
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