Thread: Licensed Re:Creators
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Old 2017-04-08, 21:11   Link #59
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 33
Originally Posted by bakato View Post
Alf said the same thing and I responded:
Obviously, being brought to life gives them more free rein, but until that point they were part of a world of the authors' design. That's like saying books write themselves and that's not even true for crappy series for which authors don't even try to make consistent characters and plot. In the end, no one can truly escape their programming. The authors wrote everything, including the life-changing, life-defining moments that made these characters who they are and continue to be. Don't think for a moment they had a choice either, the authors scripted that too along with their personalities.

This story is about creations confronting their creators, who were omnipotent until the characters came to life. Even if you're trying to argue the blank periods in which the authors don't go defining their every thought and action, these fictional characters could not be anything besides what their creators decided they would be.

But now that you bring this up, I think I can see a way how this show could resolve this existential crisis. Now that the characters have free rein in the "real" world, they'll develop new characteristics and grow up beyond what their creators envisioned them to be. This point'll be moot though if they end up returning to their respective works.
That's just one way the author could go with it. Take the Flash of Two Worlds for example, the author could that route and have the characters be real people and the authors be people who are physically receiving details of their life, or the author could go further with it and have their world be real, but the author manipulating their lives from our world.

Going to what you said about books writing themselves, as somewhat of an author and a student of literature, I can tell you that in a way books do write themselves. Once you've fully fleshed out a character, oftentimes you find that rather than you deciding what they do, you simply imagine what they'd do based on how you've written them. A thin distinction, but one that has meaning, especially in a series like this.

It all goes back to the question of how real these characters are exactly. Are they simply puppets receiving commands from their creators? Did they become real from the moment their backstory was fleshed out? How much of an effect will their mode of creation have on them? Will it just be existential shock? Or something more?

Illusion, illusion, this is illusion. It cannot harm me.
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