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Old 2015-12-05, 03:36   Link #24
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
The Year We Decided to Live Forever:

"In 2015, tech billionaires pursued anti-aging and cheating death like
never before."



Thirty genes with significant longevity impact have been
found and they could significantly lengthen human lives:

"Out of a 'haystack' of 40,000 genes from three different organisms,
scientists at ETH Zurich and a research consortium in Jena have found
genes that are involved in physical ageing. If you influence only one of
these genes, the healthy lifespan of laboratory animals is extended –
and possibly that of humans, too."



George Church confident of reversing some aging in
humans by 2022:

"George Church has expressed confidence that in just five or six years
he will be able to reverse the aging process in human beings.

George Church is among those who can claim at least partial credit for
the innovation of CRISPR gene editing

George Church says that there are more important things in the
balance than [Nobel] prizes. There are cures for human diseases.

George Church indicated that his team is already reversing aspects of
aging in mice in the laboratory."



Personal choice and actions on life extension and
genetic engineering for cognitive, performance
enhancement of life extension:

"George Church, a researcher at Harvard University and a proponents
of CRISPR, says that, considering the lack of clear regulatory
frameworks for genetic engineering use, we must expect those
interested in genetic augmentation to use the tool.

Church noted in a speech Tuesday that athletes and others interested
in body augmentation have already taken advantage of just about
every technology we’ve developed. Those in the transhumanist
movement (many of whom are seeking immortality, or at the very
least a long extension of natural human lifespans) see CRISPR as a
potential tool they could use to augment themselves."



Anti-aging is becoming a hot topic. But how much of the talk is just
hot air?
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